Protecting your property and possessions

mortgage certificate

When you purchase a property, your top priority should be to protect it, including the physical structure and all of its contents.

Let’s look at some of the different insurance you may need:

Buildings insurance

Buildings insurance:

Firstly this is a requirement from the mortgage lender and typically will be put in place on “exchange of contracts” if you’re buying a freehold property (House) or if you’re purchasing a leasehold property (Flat) this will most likely be included already in the service charge you pay and therefore you’re not required to arrange separately. 

What does buildings insurance typically cover:
Insure your home against things like fire, flood and storm damage. 
Accidentally damage e.g. You reverse the car into the property by accident or spill wine over the carpets. 

Contents insurance mortgage broker help

Contents insurance:

If you turned your property upside down, everything that would fall to the floor is typically considered your contents and personal possessions. You can also cover your personal possessions away from the home too.
What does contents insurance typically cover:

  • Insure your contents and personal possessions in the home against fire, theft and accidental damage.
  • Cover against theft in event of a burglary.
  • Cover against accidental damage e.g. You accidentally knock the TV over. 
  • Cover personal possessions that you take away from the home – items like expensive jewellery and watches or portal electronic equipment.

Finally, if you are renting out your property, landlord insurance can provide coverage for rental income loss, legal expenses, and damages caused by tenants.

Remember, having the right insurance policies in place is vital for securing your property and possessions in the UK.he UK.

Peace of Mind: Insurance Broker Tips for Protecting Your Stuff

Feeling secure in your home starts with knowing your belongings are protected. An insurance broker can be your partner in navigating the world of property and possessions insurance. Here’s how they can help:

1. Needs Assessment: Don’t just buy a generic policy. A broker tailors coverage to your specific needs. They’ll consider your property type, valuables, and potential risks (fire, theft, etc.) to ensure all bases are covered.

2. Coverage Clarity: Insurance policies can be dense with legalese. Brokers translate it all! They explain coverage details, exclusions, and policy limits, ensuring you understand exactly what’s protected and for how much.

3. Competitive Shopping: Brokers work with multiple insurers, finding the best coverage at the right price. They compare quotes and navigate discounts, saving you time and money.

4. Claim Support: Facing a loss? Your broker is there for you. They’ll walk you through the claim process, ensuring proper documentation and a smooth resolution.

Taking Action:

Ready for peace of mind? Find a reputable insurance broker by asking friends, family, or searching online for local, licensed brokers.

Bonus Tip: Keep an updated inventory of your valuables with photos and receipts. This streamlines the claim process if the unexpected happens.

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